Harry makes out with snape fanfic. It would be a new experience for both participants.


And before that, I lived there for ten years and is still alive, so don't worry," Harry reassured her. May 14, 2017 · "Ok," Harry whispered. Potions class is disrupted when Neville Longbottom's potion goes wrong, resulting in the whole class being turned into four year olds! Surprise, surprise, Dumbledore puts the job of looking after six of these kids, into Severus' hands. "I'm not going to hurt you," Snape repeated. " The light shone, highlighted what Harry noticed was two wizards and one witch. Story 2: Dursley's die during Harry's second year. "Enjoy scolding the hidden Mosps. Under Snape’s guidance and tutelage, Harry will flourish and become as clever and cunning as a snake with the strength and heart of a lion. Only time will tell if both of them can survive the summer, and each other. Potter. " Before Lily could register what was happening, Sirius grabbed Snape by the shoulder and yanked him back. He hadn't talked to the boy in weeks; after Snape had told him that the time they had spent together had been nothing but a fuck. AU. He watched as the kids quickly grabbed their stuff and scurried out of the room. " "And yet — is it good for him to be given so much special treatment?" Snape asked, "Personally, I try and treat him like any other student. "Bloody fucking" "Language Mr. Snape and the classroom of toddlers// Harry Potter Fanfic Fanfiction. " Snape grabbed his wrist and pulled the sleeve up. , Sirius B. Completed Series! Now I’ve placed this one last because I don’t actually remember if there is any true “abuse” (I’m a firm believe that the abuse was canon) but Snape 100% saves Harry here and they’re relationship is so realistic. He had been thinking a lot about Snape and what to do about the whole situation he'd left behind before returning to the past permanently. She sent her acceptance the next morning. Harry felt himself being tipped forwards slightly over the man's knees and pain blossomed across his the top of his thighs. He stood in front of Snape's desk, not saying a thing or looking up for that matter. P-please d-don't send me b-back. The kiss lasted minutes and soon turned into something far more farrell, hands instantly moving to pull and tug at clothes, the older man gripping Harry's hips and hoisting him up onto the desk. "Professor, I would like to make a complaint. Also, the author updates regularly, and competent adult characters for the win. Once he'd been vanquished and most of his loyal supporters, the Death Eaters, imprisoned, Albus Dumbledore returned to his rightful place as Headmaster of Hogwarts "Not all Slytherin's are bad. Severus Snape Adopts Harry Potter (596) Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent (282) Good Severus Snape (214) Severus Snape Has a Heart (183) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (116) Mentor Severus Snape (103) Hurt/Comfort (96) Implied/Referenced Child Abuse (73) Abusive Dursley Family (Harry Potter) (68) Angst (65) Other tags to Mar 5, 2023 · One last parting bit of wisdom; in muggle tradition it is customary to give your fiancé an engagement ring. Harry was hoping he could stand but Snape said "sit". " Severus said before walking into the loo and taking care of the puddle. 'Slap' it echoed in the room, Snape had to control himself not to rush to the defence of Harry. Snape. I believe it's the minimum respect you owe me. Harry found himself out on said doorstep moments later. " "Sorry?" Harry choked out. More!" harry groaned breathlessly. The only thing missing is R rated fics as FFnet won't allow them to be added, so check out the other fics by these authors for more Snarry goodness! Snape rescues Harry from abusive Dursleys, or other. If they can't figure out how to make peace and get along, this is going to be a very long summer for the both of them. Snape asked "Harry was that your first spanking Sep 30, 2019 · "Don't," Harry warned those around him as he checked on Snape. "I am now your father and you must address me as such. "Be my guest. "You looked like you were a million kilometers away. Harry took out his clothes, only putting away his school things, which he would be wearing. Harry did so, slowly, without looking at the parchment. Sevitus. Harry had never touched another boy like this before, much less taken one hard. Harry smiled at him, and then turned back and prepared to return to brewing as if he anticipated a scolding like always. You cannot deny that this is happening. Snape agrees to take in Harry for the summer before 3rd year. In a move so fast, Harry couldn't even see it, Snape slashed a Petrificus Totalus curse at Harry, who toppled over onto his side, although his eyes were open, so he could see Snape as Snape took two steps closer to Harry. "You probably didn't even need the repellent charms. A Snape-mentor fic with a 60 foot twist. More notes Harry woke up in his Mr Rivers persona smiling. When Snape came back out they walked back to the lounge and continued their movie day. A listing dedicated to fics of a romantic nature involving Harry Potter and Severus Snape. It was an accident Harry, I'll clean it up. Actually, Harry couldn't read Snape's face, it was blank. Severus Snape had rather hoped that they could skip the parseltongue incantations, sitting there listening to his young student hissing in the sensual language was doing things to his anatomy that were rather inappropriate for the whole event. It wasn't like it was a secret or anything. "Students, get out, you're dismissed, I've just let the teachers know why you're out", he snarled. Harry points down the corridor and reluctantly, snape takes him out towards the grounds. That someone cares. Just Harry's luck that it happens to be his hated nemesis, Professor Snape. Harry thought that He Heard snape mutter a few spells. Harry scowled, but nodded. Severus Snape was having a miserable 'holiday'. "No" Harry said honestly. He looked the man straight in the eye. Snape… "Professor Snape," she corrected, looking down her nose at the child. " Harry blinked, feeling his scar throb. " Snape's voice was low enough to sound as if it was about to send vibrations rolling through the earth. Harry wanted to make sure that there were plenty of students swarming around in order to make it harder for Snape to spot him just incase that he was looking for him. She felt a shiver of apprehension as she knocked on the heavy wooden door. Two months and not a day more. "You're coming with me Potter. " A lot of the student body threw theories out there and some of them were far fetched. He couldn't. He just continued to whimper and hold his face, and then quickly shook his head back and forth before resuming his rocking motions. Professor McGonagall sees the scars on the back of Harry's hand and questions him about it. Harry nodded. COMPLETE. "Very well. K. Harry kept on snuffling in the cushion and then when Snape was sure that tears were leaking out again, he decided that Harry was hungry. " It flew out of its bracket and at Snape. Aug 29, 2013 · Snape was up, his body stalking forward before he pushed Harry with a fair amount of force to the floor. Severus Snape. Harry barely had time to wrap his arms around Snape's waist when the older man pulled back. Harry automatically moved to take a step back and tripped over the chair he had once been sitting in, falling over it and crashing to the floor. Apr 12, 2019 · Snape continued raining down smacks. Harry whimpered as his bottom touched the chair. Look at Merlin. Nov 23, 2013 · Snape plays mindgames and makes Harry live different miserable scenarios. The following week, Hermione arrived at Snape's home, a remote and imposing manor hidden deep in the Scottish Highlands. May 31, 2024 · In the end, her thirst for knowledge won out. Turns out, Amortentia works by whomever the victim first looks at. To his surprise, the smacks ceased. Snape joined him. Now, Harry longed for things he could not have. " Harry smirked "Can you imagine how angry that overgrown bat would be that I am the one shagging his favorite student" Harry said softly as he started to suck on Draco's neck making the blonde mewl loudly. Do not be late. "Shall we sit?" Harry nodded and sat with Severus. I'm sure they're feeling quite contrite," said Harry over his shoulder, smirking. Sep 23, 2017 · Chapter 1: The Silver Doe. " "And how would you know that?" the Dark Lord asked sharply as he allowed the pretty boy glamor to fade away, confirming Potter's assessment. August 28, 04- Updated. And I do not intend to focus on romantic or sexual relationships. " The boy made no response. "Luna sweetheart I'm going out for the day. Harry could not figure out why the professor was looking at him in such a way. Snape also starts out as a super mega jerk in this one who has no idea how to be a parent, which is also in line with him and the angst and character growth is incredible. He felt awkward and uncomfortable here with Severus Snape, whom Harry had always thought absolutely loathedhim, which was always the reason that he loathed the professor back. Oh, Merlin, I've got Snape on either side of me A Snape mentors Harry fic with all the regular players. " The crowd began hooting and yelling their encouragement as Peter raised his wand in Severus' direction when there was a sudden blur of red as Lily slammed into Peter, knocking him off balance, his wand flying out of Harry managed to attend three lessons of Occlumency with Snape before deciding that, whatever Snape was attempting, it was doing more harm than good. "Well, you see," Harry said, and leaned towards Snape, and dropped his voice low, so that Snape leaned in thinking he was about to hear a secret, "I was born that way, and then I didn't have sex. ". Snape broke out of his trance and stalked over, picking Harry up by the collar. He had purposefully chosen to make Mr Rivers forty years old. She sighed as she flopped back on her bed and held Severus's letter in her hands with a smile on her lips. Jul 11, 2023 · Snuffles tilted his head and looked first to Snape, then to Harry, and then to Snape again, and nodded with a little yip. " Harry slowly followed Snape back into the room that Harry woke up in. The man in question opened it quickly. August 2, 1995. But finally I ran out of other fics to read, so I gave in and I loved it! I like that despite the somewhat unusual premise, the characters act very realistically for the scenario. I want to see Snape and talk to him about things. I'm s-scared that if I go back I w-won't make it out of th-there alive this time. By this time, Harry was sobbing uncontrollably. "Can you hear them?" Harry sufficed with shooting Snape a glare before he followed the command and crouched in front of the doorway. After getting the kinks out of his arms and legs, the boy got up and readied himself for the day. "I'll spot any costs," he promised. "Potter, stop moving!" Snape felt dread engulf him as he saw the damage on Potters eyes. "No," she whispered. When Harry gets ill, Snape makes an impulsive decision that will change both their lives. The Weasley also sat down on the other side to cheer the girl up, which completely out of Snape's field of vision. The booming noise rang in his ears. P-please, sir. Snape had heard everything. "This is my prank after all. Harry then bent forwards, and took Malfoy inside of his mouth. He had, after all, been Voldemort's equal since he was one-and-a-half years old. Snape stopped Quirrell from getting the Philosopher's Stone and killing Harry in his first Quidditch game; agreed to become a triple spy when Voldemort returned; joined the Order of the Phoenix to bring down Voldemort; and attempted to make sure Sirius was safe at Grimmauld Place to stop Harry from going to the Ministry of Magic (even though When Ron sneaks Harry a dose of Amortentia, not even he was prepared for the consequences. Look at this, Harry. Harry breathed out and finally, still with a reluctant hand, Snape rubbed his palm down Harry's back. , Severus S Disclaimer 2: The idea of Snape's life debt to the now late James Potter making him a Godfather to Harry is something I found in a fanfic written by Nebresh, who gave me permission. Harry raised his hand, and knocked three times. Harry is a natural Occlumens and has hidden the fact that Snape is his father since he was 10. " "Father. . "Be at my office tomorrow evening at seven. However annoying the dreams he was having about the Department of Mysteries and the unending corridors, he'd take them every day over having his Potions teacher pry into his mind and see his worst Harry was wondering if Dumbledore found out about Snape, and if he or Snape could get arrested. " Snape continued to the right, to the slider door that opened from the sitting room out into the backyard, which was enclosed on three sides by a wrought-iron fence. Snape had heard. Dumbledore does talk to Sirius and try to persuade him to let Harry back into Grimmauld Place, but he fails. "Rector Snape," Harry snidely said, using Snape's vampiric title, "I must say, you looked more like a vampire before you were Turned than you do now. Harry, about to curse Snape, was forced to pull Luna out of the way of the descending flames, which became a ring of fire that filled the corridor and flew like a lasso at Snape, and then it was no longer fire, but a great black serpent that McGonagall blasted to smoke, which reformed and solidified in When, after that fateful Halloween night, the wrong Potter twin is hailed the Boy Who Lived, how will Harry's life turn out? With a power he knows not, an ancient prophecy and one Severus Snape practically raising him, interesting at least is a given. Harry considered trying to leave but thought it probably wasn't worth it. Harry reconsidered. Snape began walking down the aisle between the potions benches, checking the students progress on the work that had been assigned while Harry wasn't paying attention. Snape eager to comply thrust as hard and quick as harry's body could cope with, moans and screams blending together as they drew closer to completion. Severus frowned having seen the sign and from the way Harry was holding himself he knew that he would never make it to the stop. " Harry vanished out of the door. It was a Thursday after all, and he had classes. "That's no longer neccassary Mr. Unless you try to chop me up for potions ingredients, then I might have to tell them, you know?" Harry's sarcasm was dripping, but his face was angry. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 62,457 - Reviews: 1135 - Favs: 779 - Follows: 455 - Updated: 4/14/2009 - Published: 11/7/2007 - Harry P. Snape reached out and grabbed Harry's arm. Just Snape centric. " As Harry made his way back towards Hermione, he decided to tease just a touch more. Harry honestly wasn't in the mood for Azkaban, and he reckoned Snape wasn't either. Their relationship is professional, courteous, and formal. The wave of relief swept over him, making him feel as if an intoxicating drug had been pumped into his Harry points towards the door and Severus walks towards it and opens it. Ron was trying to get Harry riled up by insulting Snape, but Harry was too worried to really do much except agree with his friend. Snape looked at the young man sitting opposite him. Snape lay his wand out on his palm and said in a slow, deliberate, stony voice, "Point. Harry opened his mouth and a horrible scream came out, breaking all the students' vials of potion ingredients, the windows in the room, and making Snape shoot to the ceiling, literally. He saw Snape's face assume its usual sneering mask as he headed towards them and Remus felt a sudden fierce flicker of unease. Meet me tomorrow morning at the Gates and I will give you a Portkey. "Then again," he muttered, "not many of them have pictures…. Maybe he didn't want Harry and Quirrell to work together. He just kept shaking his head, refusing to say it out loud. His nose out of joint, his glasses broken. "You always make my scar burn when you get close," Harry explained carefully. "Now the question is where to put you. "Get closer. After Harry walked out, Umbridge turned on Snape with a rather Harry didn't realize that wish magic was tingling around the room, silencing it; wish magic was powerful and Harry, both Dumbledore and Snape knew, was very powerful indeed. I won't tell my friends. Some students thought that Professor Snape had made a love potion for Elly's mother to love him. He and Hermione make a new friend, and Snape recognises the lack of self-worth of the abused. " Professor Snape registered a look of surprise before grabbing Harry's right hand to save him eliciting a yell of pain from Harry as Professor Snape clutched his wounded hand. He was used to being an outcast at muggle primary school anyways. Harry wanted to snap and refuse but knew it would get him nowhere. In the hallways of Hogwarts, a frustrated Severus Snape loomed, his cloak billowing out around him, making him look like a bat. That he hadn't really cared for Harry the boy had stopped trying to talk to him. "Then expect myself, Flitwick, and McGonagall at your next meeting," Severus told Harry before sweeping out of the room and heading for the edge of the wards with the openly injured Umbridge floating along behind him. Harry understood that Snape must be the secret keeper of that building. Snape went into the small room that now belonged to Harry and looked around as he tried to block out the sound of the retching youth in the bathroom. Potter, I owe you an Harry didn't make any sign to show he had noticed his least favorite professor's presence, and so Snape took a breath and said, softly but firmly, "Potter. The second voice was unfamiliar. He couldn't let Snape feel that he had a temperature. This is the second edition. Snape watched him blankly. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. He sleeps by himself in the room that will belong to the Gryffindor fifth-year boys in September, and he practices magic by himself, and reads, and finishes up his summer assignments, and goes to the kitchens to spend time with Dobby when he absolutely can't stand Harry winked. " Harry said. The Snape/ Harry relationship will probably need some time to be developed though – I feel it's necessary in the scenario I envision, because I don't want their bond to come too fast or to feel forced and plan to develop Harry's links with other characters as well. Harry. Snape opened it almost immediately, his dark eyes scanning her Jul 26, 2020 · Harry just hoped that by trying to talk over Snape, and putting it out there at the very beginning that he had something to say, that Dumbledore would actually give him a chance after Snape finished smearing his name despite having absolutely no clue what had actually transpired, to give his own account of the incident. Given the amount of time that's passed and the setting, I can absolutely picture cannon Harry and Snape becoming these people. Not slash. Good Luck, Harry, she thought. Snape is then give a chance to send his soul backwards in time 7 years to give Harry a chance for a better and hopefully longer life. A green light had shot out from Voldemort's wand, striking the toddler in the forehead and he fell down and down into darkness, pain ripping through him . Harry's breathing hitched as he felt the wand oozing something warm and slick inside of him. "Its Voldemort. And nothing shallow like a plain ol bashing fic (of either Snape or his enemies like the Marauders, that's lazy and boring) If you don't like Snape, you ain't gotta tell me. Snape recoiled, holding both hands to his face in pain. This has four years/chapters, and it's a good place to stop. He went into the kitchen and got a bit of dark Snape pulled out of Harry's thoughts, but slowly, not as if his own cheeks were on fire. Sep 18, 2011 · Hands and feet frantically hammering him, scratching him. Halloween has always been painful for Harry, but an unlikely person makes him realise that what started out as a tragedy, has turned out to be a miracle of love and rebirth. "Yes, well. Apr 3, 2015 · When Snape becomes privy to some of the less pleasant aspects of Harry's past during occlumency lessons, will he be able to overcome his hatred of James Potter, and help his son? No Slash. Harry smiled before waiting by the door for the man to finish. " Snape interrupted, kissing the back of Harry's neck. Privately, she wishes for so much more, but keeps her fantasies to herself… until her cat decides to take matters into his own paws. Harry gawked at Snape, who kissed better than Harry Snape lifted his hand to put his fingers to Harry's forehead, but Harry staggered back. He blinked and hurried awkwardly after him. He was startled out of his epiphany by Mulcibier's impatient call. Snape sat down and into a chair. Harry pushed the stunned man out of the way, closed the portrait, and stalked off. He finds Madam Hooch counting the brooms and seeing Harry crying she hands Severus a toy broom and they both strap Harry on it and he happily zooms around the grounds. " The twins grinned one last time then swept out of the hall. Snape cancelled the spell and Harry collapsed in a violent fit of sneezing. (Originally written between December 2006 and December 2010. "I did not say he did, Potter. I suddenly panicked and tried to get up as quickly as possible but didn't pay attention that my hand was full of chalk marks from the cloth, and in my attempt of getting up, I touched his pants with it. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 4,611 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 101 - Follows: 134 - Updated: 8/22/2017 Nine out of ten times, his name was accompanied by that of Harry Potter's. " Snape looked shocked, "You, you do? "Harry had never heard Snape stutter before so he just shrugged it off, "Yes, Dumbledore wants you to start teaching me occulmency again. Snape glanced down at the young boy, who was squinting at the shelves, trying to make out titles. 8 year old Harry turning his teacher's wig blue, and getting detention for it. aim & ignite Once the train stopped, the students poured out of it and onto the platform. But he managed to force out, "I'm sorry Professor, I didn't know you were there. Professors Snape and Dumbledore may also make an appearance. One day during 6th year DADA, Harry has had enough of Snape's bullying and stands his ground. Snape would have to let him leave the dungeons in the morning. Harry had fallen hard for the complex and passionate man behind the sneer when Snape had taken him in hand after the war. " "Go, then. Sep 18, 2019 · Snape leered at Harry. 5 year old Harry, serving the Dursleys and Aunt Marge Breakfast in a summer holiday. Snape stepped even closer, not allowing the boy to think that he would back down with enough refusals. Harry immediately turned to his bushy haired friend. - Words: 2,064 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 217 - Follows: 142 - Published: 6/30/2021 - id: 13911753 Maybe it'll make him piss his pants!" "Good one, Wormtail!" James replied with a small bow in Peter's direction. Feb 12, 2013 · Snape had pulled out of his mind once again, and was shaking with barely-controlled fury. " Harry scrambled to his feet, and walked out, not wanting to see anymore of this behaviour from either of his teachers. McGonagall raised her wand, preparing to fight, and Snape also reached into his pocket, but the Lady stopped him, resting a hand on his arm. Snape looked shocked and even if he had wanted to say something he wouldn't have been able to find words. So he clenched his jaw and nodded. The last person to stop yelling was Severus, mad-as-hell, Snape whose last words caused Harry to laugh out loud. "See me after class, Potter. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Harry P. " Harry sat at the desk opposite and began to read with Snape correcting him occasionally, almost absently. " Harry turned around; the current Snape had also entered the memory and was standing directly behind him. " Harry gulped, as did a lot of the other students. Snape raised an eyebrow. Harry only grinned. "I got a bit lost coming here. The bell rang and he was free to go. The stick was pressed a bit deeper and then pulled back out agonizingly slow. Snape stopped behind Harry and took a folded piece of parchment out of his robe pocket, He threw it onto the table with a sneer and waited for the almost ex-student to turn around. Snape gave him a look. " "Yes, sir. "Fine. His voice sounded weak and pathetic even in his own ears. He put it down to the Wolf's intuition later since it was so close to the full moon, but at that moment all he knew was that it would be bad, very bad Nov 17, 2013 · AU6th Year. "I need a verbal agreement from you, Mister Potter," Snape drawled. You will be able to find Mentor fics, Father and Son fics, and similar type stories in the archive. , Severus S Snape looked at Harry for a long moment, his face curiously blank. No matter, Harry already kept his distance, the incense and garlic the man always smelled of gave Harry a terrible headache. Snape seems psychotic, but Harry believes some good exists in his captor. She was looking at him like he had been getting into trouble all week, and she was expecting that he was the cause of the reason he was here now. At least during the school term he could count on the Dark Lord not to expect so much of him, but during the long, sweaty summer spent in Spinner's End, he found himself constantly at the beck and call of the snake-faced villain. Snape whirled around once they were in the hall, making Harry stop abruptly with wide eyes. " Harry sighed, "Thanks, Snape. Stone met Harry's bum, pulling him slightly out of his haze. Harry's a Halfblood Omega that comes from a long line of Alpha's. Snape, realizing Harry had no one else to take care of him, finally pushes for guardianship of his son. " He tried to pull Harry down the hall but was jerked back when Harry didn't budge. "Harry, this is real. They then stalked out of the infirmary. Harry thought he might explode from a sneeze that tickled his nose, but could not be released due to the Full-Body Bind. "Harry," he said simply. The Dark Lord is very interested to find out where Harry was that night and will stop at nothing to force the truth. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Harry P. He let out a pained yelp and, to his shame, heard himself asking Snape to stop. It would be embarrassing if everyone ditched after a week or two, but Harry’d get over it. ) "Despite Harry being Lily's son, I had a suspicion the venom between you and Harry was too strong. "Yes Harry, I'll help you learn how to be a girl," Hermione preempted, going back to her book, no longer interested in the conversation. "For example, in cooking, tasting the ingredients in a certain order is less likely to poison you than in potion making. Harry reluctantly snatched it and gave Snape a venomous look. Snape left the phrase unfinished and sloppy grabbed the strands from my face to watch me. It wouldn’t be so bad. Harry was led to the table by the waiter, his shoulders deceptively stiff. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,718 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 16 - Published: 10/24/2009 - Harry P. " "Harry, don't tease Professor Snape, please. He kissed Harry. From kisses a At Snape's trial the Potters testified about how for the past decade Snape was persona non grata to them and they talked about how Snape was the one that sent Voldemort on his way to them wanting to spare only Lily. " Snape gave Harry a deeply offended look. Then it turns out that Deputy Head Auror Potter is a suspect. Just a little something I threw together a while back and forgot about until today. He had longed for one person, Severus Snape. This sealed Snape's fate as he sentenced to life in prison and Dumbledore was not safe from criticism for his defences for the man. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were some of the last students to disembark. 6 year old Harry being bitten by Aunt A moment later Snape opened it and gestured Harry inside, before Snape could speak Harry cleared his throat and said, "Sir I think I know what this is about. Semi-HBP compliant. "Brilliant. "The sooner you realize that brewing potions is not the same as cooking, the better," he said at last. Severus T. "Professor Lupin?" he smiled. You obviously need a lesson on sleeve rolling. "She has nothing to do with this. Occlumency lessons again with Harry's grief unleashed and Snape realizing his heart is still functional also Snape helping an abused Dracoootp spoilers, not slashmostly Snape, Harry & DracoComplete Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 65 - Words: 143,009 - Reviews: 2805 - Favs: 1,070 - Follows: 283 - Updated: 2/14/2004 "No you won't," Snape answered calmly. Harry walked into the classroom and snape closed the door behind them. Harry suddenly wished he could curl up and die. "I believe one of your fan club left this in my classroom, Potter. "I c-can't take it a-anymore, sir. Harry Potter was working to clear all charges against his former professor. . Others thought that Elly was a secret love child between Professor Snape and another person. " "Tell me what?" the headmaster was still on guard, keeping his gaze fixed on them. (Open, Moderated) Snape is left dieing in the Shrieking Shack after giving Harry his memories convinced that Harry is going to his death. Aug 20, 2012 · Why the hell did he hve to spend his Dursely free summer with Snape of all people? He squirmed in his seat again, and looked out the window. Every Thursday at seven o'clock," Snape said. Harry Potter - J. He had never seen people kissing so intensely, let alone Come in you're not Having detention out in the Hall way. Shaking, he came to the big door to Dumbledore's office. Fem-harry is very much her own character, but a very believable and likable one. Set between 5th and 6th year. Temporarily. It was surrounded by a fence and behind it the trees spread out, forming a forest. " I smiled before going up and sitting on the stool. Yes, another Snape takes in Harry story but hopefully, this one will be different. He quickly pulled out his parchment and leaned over so he could share Neville's After Dumbledore convinces Snape that he needs to become a mentor to an unusual Slytherin girl, Harry finds himself sharing his occlumency lessons and actually finding them bearable. Just Snape centric fics, whether things go well for him or not, whether he's good or bad, etc. Snape was sitting in the drivers seat, leaving Harry to ponder when his teacher learned to drive. Sorry for the sudden addition of dozens of fics - I hadn't updated in a while and finally got through and updated all the good fics I've read since then. 4 days ago · Snupin: As the war is coming to an end, Severus Snape tries to save himself from Nagini's bite, after giving his memories to Harry Potter. Rowling. , Remus L. Snape looked even less enthused about staying on the landing, and started to make his way upstairs, before Sirius yelled, "Screw that, not in my house! He's not leaving our sight, Albus. "Hi, Dad," Harry said, holding out his hand. All of a sudden, Draco yanked his fist back and slammed it into Snape's jaw. Harry could make out the wizards shadow and saw him shove the first wizard out of the way. Harry scratched his nails down his professors back as he keened loudly, never wanting the pleasure to end even though he could feel the coil building in his gut. , Severus S. " Snape had to breathe heavily through his nose several times in order to keep his posture, but his next words revealed that the headmaster's words had affected him, when his voice was quiet, but slightly shaking. "Mr. A Snape mentors Harry story. This is the home for stories exploring the general relationship between Severus Snape and Harry Potter. When Snape did nothing, Harry held the cushion and buried his head into it. "Harry Potter," he murmured, "I am not going to hurt you. And when he was allowed out, Snape couldn't make him come back down here. A series of one-shots during the "in between" years. It would be a new experience for both participants. Snape marched purposefully up the garden path, following the curve of the pavement out of sight before Harry could even grasp at the situation. " Harry's smile widened when Snape glared back Side by side with his young protégée Severus Snape and Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, he found and destroyed them all and witnessed the fall and death of the Dark Lord Voldemort. Mar 5, 2024 · Harry looked bewildered at the empty space, where there was absolutely nothing, but suddenly, as if it had appeared out of the fog, a particularly large house materialized in front of them. Last year they found Snape making out with Moaning Murtle. James and Lily had adopted Harry because Severus had felt he couldn't care for a kid after the mother died "Hey, I promise I'll be fine, I've been at Hogwarts for a great ten months, and with the Dursleys only two. I'm finally going have my way and get you expelled. And Harry liked it. Takes Place: 1st Year - Snape flavour: Canon Snape, Snape Comforts Tags: Injured!Harry Categories: Fic Fests > Bingo! Fic Fest, Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Professor Snape "Thanks," he choked out before turning to finish his work. Aug 18, 2024 · Samara Snape, in her 6th year, is shocked to find out that she has a grandson in the future who accidentally time traveled into the past and now enrolled into Hogwarts, being sorted into Slytherin. I was just pointing out that his father would not appreciate him going out with someone brought up by muggles and blood-traitors," Snape said. Snape's scowl deepened with each pace, as his fate was further sealed. Jun 23, 2019 · Snape liked picking out moments of embarrassment or fear from Harry, all the better to annoy him with it, and today it was of his childhood. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama - Voldemort, Harry P. Harry's family is growing and in the midst of the chaos there is a wedding and the arrival of Snape's child. Potter was trying to claw out his eyes, screaming out in pain. Snape chuckled mirthlessly and his expression grew cold. Professor Snape nearly let go of Harry's hand before collecting his senses and grabbing the other one, pulling him back onto safe ground. Then she said, in her more normal squeaky voice, "Get out Potter. "Elizabeth Snape. Harry looked at the toilet puzzled, then up at Snape who was walking out the door, and as Harry opened his mouth to shout at his teacher his stomach turned and Harry lost his breakfast into the bowl. "Harry, I want to make a few things clear to you. Harry kept his mouth shut. "I'm fine," sad Harry with as much force as he cold muster. "Lumos. " Harry walked with his head down sniffling as he headed for the office. Harry briefly recalled it sitting on the bottom of his bed, forgotten, as he hurried to class. Harry flinched but had nowhere else to escape to; the cupboard was too small. Harry's face paled. Head Medi-Wizard Severus Snape saves a young man's life from a nonconsensual potion-induced pregnancy, and that is weird enough. "Potter, stop smoking weed and get into my office, and not THAT one Potter!" Snape yelled and everyone burst out laughing. After finding out that Harry's relatives aren't exactly 'suitable guardians', Severus Snape takes Harry in for the rest of the summer. What the hell was Snape up to? Harry's lessons with Snape didn't end with Harry running away; reminded of his past Harry decided to make a difference and see the hurt that lay within. Apr 9, 2024 · "Ah, well, Snape," Fudge said, "Harry Potter, you know - we've all got a bit of a blind spot where he's concerned. They both walked out of Snape's room and into the dining room. SEQUEL to Draught of Asphodel. Severus Snape Sacked! Harry woke the next morning and stretched before doing anything else, almost hitting a photo album marked "Harry Potter True Friends". Voldermort’s daughter desperately attempting to be a good person by trying to help Harry Potter while dealing with that one obnoxious ex-deatheater who she was forced to work with in the first war and simultaneously trying to ignore the fact that her cult leader father is eventually going to rise from the dead, find out she betrayed him, then Severus Snape has become the official guardian of Harry Potter, but Harry (at age eight) still has a few years before he enters Hogwarts as a student. Potter, your detention is over come retrieve your wand from my office. When Snape came back out they walked back to the lounge and continued their Jan 5, 2020 · Ron makes a bad choice about seeking out Hermione, and Harry, panicking, calls for aid using parseltongue as the tap is right in front of him. My favorite moment “He has feet” And then Snape did the most shocking thing Harry had ever experienced. Ten minutes of continuous uproar was finally brought to an end by Amelia Bones and all Aurors in the room sending up loud bangs and sparks to get everyone's attention. She was moaning so loud that even Dumbldore wanted to watch someof the ACTION!. " after snape said this, He moved slightly to allow Harry in. Harry must deal with many unique attempts at his life and the ongoing war while studying to become a Healer and keep his parentage secret. Harry walked into Snapes room with his head down. "Sir. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 20,189 - Reviews: 111 - Favs: 377 - Follows: 518 - Updated: 8 Jan 30, 2017 · His eyes. Lily didn't quite understand what exactly it was, but as she reached out and touched the words on the page, her heart leapt in rapt admiration of the exquisite cursive her darling friend had produced. Harry reached over with his other hand and grabbed Snape's hand and squeezed, pulling it off his arm. Making him bleed and bruising his pale skin. He'll k-kill me, sir. Time to tackle the unpleasant issue. "I'm not finished with you you lying manipulative old goat!" I'm sure there are stories of Harry raising Snape like this out there, but I've never read any. Snape growled low in his throat, towering over him with an intensity Harry was sure he reserved for only those in which he truly despised – him in particular. Profile; The small amount of female Harry Potter/Severus Snape fanfictions out there (that are reasonably well-written). AU after OOTP. " It's Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts and actually out in the world, but before it even starts he causes unexpected problems. "Quite an interesting mind here," the hat said in my mind. He also thought He Heard the clicking of a lock. Harry hugged Snape closer and buried his tongue deep into the Potion Master's mouth. Back at Hogwarts for his 8th year, Harry deals with mystery correspondents and unusual magical ability. " The child shrank back and Snape moved even closer to him. Snape is a bit OOC, and Harry is a little more mature than usual. He landed with a horrible crash on the floor, his hair sticking up with shock. Technically, Snape was physically capable. Snape hesitated, turning to her with a doubtful The lessons were ultimately cancelled when Harry was caught prying into Snape's memories, discovering the strangest things: A mysterious prophecy connected Harry's fate with Voldemort's, Harry's dad was an insufferable bully, and Severus Snape had been in love with Harry's mum. 'A normal summer day at the Dursleys' thought The-Boy-Who-Lived. Harry tentatively knocked on Snape's door. Harry was totally bewildered by the instruction. A series of Snape-realizes-he's-wrong-about-Harry oneshots. " Harry cringed. It was less likely that Apr 12, 2018 · Snape passed Harry various photos of his mother, Harry flicked through them curiously; she was in the garden holding a dog aged 10, down by a river with Snape aged 11, in her Hogwarts uniform aged 11, holding a broom aged 12, smiling at the camera from behind a book, covered in snow down by Hagrid's hut, sunburnt in the quad, laughing in the Oct 17, 2018 · "You and anyone else you deem competent when it comes to defense and combat are welcome Master Snape," Harry said formally. Author's Note: This is an AU fanfic where Severus Snape didn't become a Death Eater and someone else overheard a bit of the prophecy and relayed it to Voldemort. He flees into the Forbidden Forest, but before he can make it to safety, he is attacked by a vampire. Snape give Harry a second to adjust and situate. Reaching out, he gently lay a hand on the boy's shoulder. Umbridge looked at Harry, looking quite confused, as though she had forgotten about him. This is story 5 in the "Moment of Impact" Series and is a sequel to "A Summer of Flotsam and Jetsam. " Draco Malfoy's eyes bulged. Harry knew he would. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 49,744 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 88 - Follows: 97 - Updated: 10/27/2021 - Published: 1/26/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13804641 "The toilet," Harry answered with a strained voice, which seemed to jar Snape out of his thoughts as he glanced in the front mirror. He will. Two firms hands righted him as he struggled to catch his breath. " Harry looked at Snape, as if scared Snape might object. No yelling and no complaining". Snape did this a couple times, making sure that the area was properly lubricated. Snape's lips were surprisingly soft and his hands were warm when he held Harry's face in them. "Tell him, Severus, it doesn't matter anymore. He was in Slytherin," I pointed out at him before hearing my name. Harry didn't know how he knew, but he knew. This story started from an idea from reader Chrissysmiles, who pointed out that so much of canon is so sad, and that Snape really never gets a fair shot at life. "Harry! Hey, mate, where'd you go?" Ron asked, shaking his shoulder. OK?" Harry waited, watching as Snape studied him, until Snape finally answered. Harry grabbed ahold of Malfoy's throbbing member, and gave it a couple of quick strokes, causing Malfoy to let out sharp gasps of pleasure. They vary from oneshots to novel length fics and can be any genre. " Before Snape could say anything Dumbledore stepped into the fire place and was gone, he has reached the end of his rope "blasted old man!" Snape yelled as he threw his glass into the fire and the flames roared. Yet Harry Potter remained steadfast in his determination to defend Snape, the man who served under the person responsible for so many deaths, including Harry's own Summary: AU fifth-year. Draco's cheeks flamed. More like a lifetime away. " Coparenting Harry with Sirus had never been part of his deal with Dumbledore, but it had somehow become Snape's greatest role of all. The problem is Omega's are seen as people that have no use in the world. Jun 13, 2023 · He’d just have to rum this first meeting the way he and Professor Snape had outlined as their go-to meeting template and see who decided to stick around. While Harry gets better at defending his mind, Voldemort is forced to use alternative plans and between him and Umbridge, Harry is in for a hell of a year. Me. And no making fun of my upbringing again, understood?" Snape looked seriously at Snuffles who looked as confused as a dog was able to and When Snape didn't bother looking up, Harry, growing uneasy from being ignored, resorted to old, contentious behaviour to get a reaction. Harry only smirked at the sounds the blonde made. Severus Snape is an expert in psychology and her faculty adviser for her dissertation on ethics and psychology in law. Please no Snape/Harry, Snape/Hermione, Snape/Student. Jul 2, 2017 · Snape's eyes hardened. It wasn't only the fact that Snape was kissing Harry Potter that was absurd, but also the fact that Potter was not screaming in horror or running away. His son soon arrived at the table with a nod. When he finished, he noticed a handkerchief dangling from Snape's long fingers. Harry turned around to face the professor and He When fighting between the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams gets out of hand, Harry suffers because of it and Snape must help him begin to heal. Severus looked down at the hand and shook it with a nod. He really needed to pee, and was getting borderline desperate as the minutes ticked by. As Snape left to yell at Neville, Harry heard him thunder out, "Detention tonight Potter, at eight sharp. mhuunm aqklg frdvjvx cmhgot godz wjcj rsnwqbu mcoog iave cjwalh